Selling your home for more money should be your ultimate goal when you want to move to a new place. It is an important deal, which you should focus your whole attention and effort on. One of the most important aspects of selling your home is securing great first impression from your prospective buyers.
Nothing quite sparks the interest more than a great looking home. First impressions are solely based on looks. Ensuring that your home’s exterior looks great is one way to have your buyer interested before they even take a look inside. A lot can be done to get your patio and outside area look great, regardless if you are into gardening and landscaping. Know that a well-maintained garden will not only capture the interest of prospective buyers, but also give you the upper hand in negotiations and potentially get you a better price.
Here is what you should consider:
- Start with small welcoming elements - has your mailbox been clanking for ages? Is there a visible street number on it or elsewhere? It is such details that are often overlooked but can truly make a difference when present. Don’t forget that buyers can be picky - they may not show their disapproval of evident flaws, but you can definitely tell when they are impressed. And it is by paying attention to the small details that you will impress them for sure.
- Attractive garden all year round - it is essential to pay attention to your garden maintenance all year round.
Every Vancouver real estate professional will tell you that a well-maintained garden and green area will add great value to your home, as long as you keep up with the demands of the work required to care for it.
- Clear the clutter - a garden full of clutter, regardless of what it includes, is never a good thing. Homebuyers want to see excellent open space that is just waiting for them to implement any ideas. Having clutter prevents that as it hinders their imagination and makes them think of an unkept home. Avoid it by making sure toys, gardening equipment, garbage cans and yard debris are put in their rightful place immediately after using.
- Work on your walkway areas - some of the areas of specific interest for prospective buyers are the sidewalk, driveway and pathways that lead to your home. Since those are used daily, it is likely that buyers want them in pristine condition. Vancouver luxury real estate experts suggest that you maintain perfect looking entryways. Jet washing and de-icing go a long way in that regard, as it helps keep them in top condition.
- Exterior paint - having a paint colour that fits the general aesthetics of the neighborhood is important. Don’t go with anything drastic, as most people prefer to have a neutral look on their homes.
Go through each of these steps and tasks to ensure that the exterior of your home looks stunning. That will guarantee people’s interest. if you need help and ideas from other professional please contact Michael to tab into his resources.